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January 2021


Styrofoam cannot be recycled through our Snohomish curbside pick-up service with the Republic company. But there are other options if you are committed to keeping it out of our landfills. King County Located in Kent WA, will take clean, dry, label and tape free… Read More »Styrofoam

Plastic Bags

When possible try to avoid using plastic bags for grocery shopping and carry around some reusable shopping bags. Despite our best intentions, we all collect a bunch of plastic grocery bags eventually. These can be recycled as follows: Take to a plastic bag drop off… Read More »Plastic Bags

Bags to benches

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Green Snohomish has met our goal of collecting 500 pounds of plastic bags from the community, to achieve the 2nd recycled bench for the city of Snohomish. Learn more about the Snohomish Bags to Benches campaign at Snohomish Lions Club. Find out more about recycling… Read More »Bags to benches