Community Service
Upcoming Activities
Litter Cleanup Event this Sunday, Feb. 16th
Time: 10am to noon
Location: Interurban Trail in Snohomish.
Meet at the parking lot adjacent to the Dollar Tree: 825 Avenue D. To get there from Avenue D, turn just south of Jack in the Box into the shopping center. Head east. We will be located north of the Dollar Tree.
What we’ll be doing: Cleaning up litter.
We will be cleaning along the trail and in the adjoining neighborhood (behind the Dollar Tree store in Snohomish). Afterwards, those interested will get lunch at Sound to Summit on Bickford Ave. All are welcome to join!
More Details:
- Parking is available.
- This is a rain or shine event.
- Sturdy gloves, boots, and high visibility clothing recommended. Reflective vests will be available.
- There are no public restrooms. Please come prepared.
- Picker sticks and garbage bags will be provided. You are also welcome to bring your own supplies. Rakes and other yard tools may be useful.
- Participants will be asked to sign a waiver.
Recent Service Activities
January 18th, 2025 – Centennial Trail Cleanup Work Party
Despite the foggy weather, we had 20 volunteers turn out to help cleanup storm debris along the Centennial Trail in Snohomish. Thank you to everyone who braved the damp cold conditions. We filled the city dumpster, smashed it all down, and filled it some more! Only one bag of garbage was collected.
More Fun from the Past
September, 2024 – Old Snohomish Monroe Rd Bridge Litter Pickup
Snohomish is a bit cleaner on this day, thanks to our 5 volunteers who helped us fill 10 trash bags and dragged several large pieces of furniture out for pickup. It was a beautiful day today, so we appreciate you all spending some of your time helping us out.

July 13th, 2024 – Dubuque Rd Bridge Litter Pickup
We had nine awesome volunteers collect 29 bags of garbage, plus a mattress and a tire. Thankfully, no incidents to report. Great crew and a great day! Thanks again to everyone.

River Cleanups
Green Snohomish members organize and conduct monthly trash pickups in our local Snohomish River and Pilchuck River riparian zones. A riparian zone is where land interfaces with water and this area performs many beneficial functions:
- Reduces runoff pollutants
- Reduces excessive sedimentation
- Stabilizes stream banks and reduces floodwater velocity
- Offers shelter and food for many aquatic animals
- Shades water limiting temperature ranges in the water, which is critical for our salmon
- Provides recreation opportunities and scenic beauty
We focus our efforts on about 4 different areas that regularly suffer from trash pollution.

Dubuque Road Bridge

During summer months, people enjoy accessing the Pilchuck River at this popular spot off Dubuque Road. Unfortunately, a lot of litter is left behind.
Old Snohomish Monroe Road Bridge
At times, this bridge becomes a shelter for unhoused people and there is often a lot of trash associated with those situations. We periodically cleanup at this site, but only remove obvious trash piles and leave structures if they have not been abandoned.

Lowell Snohomish River Road

This road is infamous for its illegal dumping issues and encampments. There is seemingly always trash to be cleaned up on this road. We hope our efforts, along with cleanup efforts from other groups as well, make some difference for the plants and animals that inhabit this area.
Saving Trees in Snohomish
Invasive ivy can slowly strangle a tree over time. We look for trees throughout Snohomish parks and other properties that are suffering from this condition. Cutting the stalks of ivy down below kills off the tendrils going farther up the tree and give the tree a chance to recover. This is an ongoing battle however, as the ivy is difficult to remove completely from the ground below.