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Expired Medications

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Unused / Expired Medication Disposal Unwanted or expired medications can pose a danger if they fall into the wrong hands. There are locations where you can safely dispose of them throughout Washington State. Find a drop off location near you at:

Recycle Styrofoam

Styrofoam and clear bubble wrap recycle event for April of 2022! We want to help you give styrofoam a second life and keep it out of the landfill. What we will accept To identify your foam Your Material Must Be: We will be taking the… Read More »Recycle Styrofoam

Holiday Lights

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Blown out holiday lights often get tossed in the garbage only to sit in a landfill forever. The following locations will take holiday light strings for recycling: The United Group in Snohomish have said they will take holiday lights, when contacted with this question. Their… Read More »Holiday Lights

Paint tubes

Arts and Crafts

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If you have a bunch of unwanted arts and crafts supplies like paints or yarn there is a wonderful program to support in Seattle called Seattle Recreative. They promote creativity, community, and environmental stewardship through creative reuse and arts education. Important! They ask that you… Read More »Arts and Crafts


Yard Waste

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At Riverside Topsoils, you can recycle your difficult to get rid of yard waste and other things like large tree cuttings, stumps, and concrete. Find out more at Riverside Topsoil. Important! they do not take any painted or treated materials. There is a dump fee… Read More »Yard Waste

Clothing and Shoes

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Snohomish County The Goodwill accepts clothing and shoe donations at multiple locations in Snohomish and other Washington counties. King County The King County Threadcycle Program includes drop off locations for used clothing and shoes – even damaged items – in any condition except wet, mildewed or contaminated… Read More »Clothing and Shoes

Light Bulbs

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Compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) and fluorescent tubes must be recycled, or taken to a household hazardous waste facility due to the mercury they contain. Lowe’s has drop-off bins for recycling compact fluorescent light bulbs (along with rechargeable batteries, cell phones, and plastic bags). Snohomish County’s… Read More »Light Bulbs

Motor Oil

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You can recycle used motor oil at most auto part stores. Snohomish County’s Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off Station will take used motor oil. It is also accepted at Recycling and Transfer Stations and Drop Box sites.


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Household electronics The following items: Can be recycled at E-Waste drop-off locations in Lynnwood, Everett, and Mount Vernon. E-Waste, LLC is a Washington State certified E-Cycle Collector, Transporter, and Processor. Goodwill collects televisions, computer monitors, desktop computers and laptops free of charge. These items donated… Read More »Electronics


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Latex paint Latex paint can be put in the garbage if the proper steps are taken to dry it out first, or recycled for a fee. Paint should be brought in its original container, and partial cans of paint should not be combined. Snohomish County’s… Read More »Paint